The Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers was established in 1960.Agricultural Engineering, involves application of engineering to production, processing, preservation and handling of food, feed and fibre. It also includes the transfer of engineering technology for the development and welfare of rural areas and masses. The major fields of Agricultural Engineering are: Farm Power and Machinery. Soil and water Conservation and Management Engineering (including watershed management, command area development, conservation, irrigation and field drainage). Irrigation (including surface and ground water development). Agricultural Process Engineering. Farm Storage Engineering. Farm Buildings and Structures. Farm use of Electricity. Rural water supply, rural roads, rural housing, rural sewerage and other aspects of rural engineering. In order to organize workshops, conferences, seminars and symposia to discuss specific problems of a Region/State by bringing together the members of the ISAE, it was decided in the past to promote the establishment of ISAE chapters on regional basis. Consequently, some ISAE chapters were established and are functioning in different regions Enquiries are made, from time to time, by the ISAE members to establish an ISAE chapter at a specific location or in region. This matter was discussed in the meeting of the ISAE Executive Council held on Dec.18 and 20,1978,at I.I.T. Kharagpur and it was decided that the Society should continue to encourage the establishment of ISAE chapters at different locations/regions, provided the request to establish a chapter is received from a place/region with at least 20 members, which should be raised to 50 in a year's time.

NAAS Rating 2024 : 5.85
Journal of Agricultural Engineering
Publication's web-site
Publisher: Indian Society Of Agricultural Engineers
p-ISSN: 0256-6524
e-ISSN: 0976-2418
Issues/Year: 4
Frequency: Quarterly
Published in: March, June, September, December
Current Volume
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