The main objective of this journal is to promote and encourage the interdisciplinary research in Life Sciences, Chemical and Physical sciences; Engineering; Law and Social Sciences and to disseminate knowledge for improving the plant and human life through the Journal. this journal will publish original research papers, short communications and invited articles on various facets of scientific Endeavour and will follow a balanced approach in basic and applied research, application-oriented research, economically viable and socially feasible/ acceptable technologies, concerning different disciplines to improve human life.

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INROADS- An International Journal of Jaipur National University
Publication's web-site
Publisher: Jaipur National University
p-ISSN: 2277-4904
e-ISSN: 2277-4912
Journal DOI: 10.5958/2277-4912.2024
Issues/Year: 2
Frequency: Half-Yearly
Published in: June, December
Current Volume
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