Mission: To promote research in the rapidly expanding discipline of international business and provide a forum for dissemination of research findings of scholars and academicians on pertinent issues in this area.
Aims and Scope: Focus is a bi-annual referred journal that aims to publish innovative research in international business, addressing topical issues related to globalization and operation of multinational firms. With international business assuming an increasingly important role in the globalized world, there is a need to look into challenges and opportunities associated with it. The journal is devoted to promote research on theoretical and empirical aspects of different dimensions of international business such as international trade, foreign investment, regional economic integration, international monetary system, international business environment and multinational enterprises.The journal invites manuscripts that address new and unexplored issues related to international business.
Target Readership: The journal intends to provide valuable insights to academicians, professionals, business and corporate strategists in the field of international business practices.
Indexed and abstracted with - Indian Citation Index (ICI), Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, Summon(ProQuest), Cross-Ref, Research Gate, Ulrich's Web, J-Gate and Scilit.