The Clay Minerals Society of India (CMSI) is a premier professional registered society formed to serve as a nerve centre for Scientists, Industrialists, Technologists and others to meet and foster the advancement in the field of clay mineralogy and industry. It was founded in 1981, in the premises of IARI, New Delhi. The CMSI is an interdisciplinary society with members from Soil Science, Geology, Basic Sciences, Agriculture, Engineering, Ceramics, Petrochemical, and host of other related disciplines. Members of the CMSI look forward to expanding this opportunity for multi-lateral exchange of research and industrial possibilities, through active participation from existing and future members. We invite you and your colleagues to become members of the Society and play an active role to elevate the quality of research in clay minerals-related areas and make it more focused and accountable to the needs of industry.

Clay Research is indexed in Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, Summon (ProQuest), and included in the Indian Citation Index database. In 2019, Clay Research had SCImago Impact Factor of 0.22; H-Index of 5; Ranking among ALL international journals is 26102; and SJR of 0.18. Currently, it has a NAAS (India) rating of 4.37, and placed in approved UGC (India) list.

Clay Research
Publication's web-site
Publisher: The Clay Minerals Society Of India
p-ISSN: 0255-7193
e-ISSN: 0974-4509
Journal DOI: 10.5958/0974-4509.2019
Issues/Year: 2
Frequency: Half-Yearly
Published in: June, December
Current Volume
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