Doctor's Krishi Evam Bagwani Vikas Sanstha (Doctor's Agriculture and Horticultural Development Society) is a Government Registered Organization with the objective of bringing new Agricultural and Horticultural Technology by 'Eco-friendly' approaches. It has been observed that use of pesticides has been the main mode of control of pests and they are still in use on large scale as preventive and curative measures. The excessive and indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers has resulted in serious environmental pollution, destruction of natural enemies, and development of resistance to these chemicals and residue hazards etc. Therefore, the needs to phase out the use of these chemicals are now taking momentum. The research priorities in many developed countries have fundamental shift from chemical to non-chemical methods which are more ecologically sound and economically secure. Keeping the above in view the Doctor's Krishi Evam Bagwani Vikas Sanstha, Lucknow envisage to bring out a bi-annual journal "Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture" where in all latest research information on organic farming will be published from all over the country and abroad. The publication of original research pokers in this journal will provide opportunities to research workers to accelerate their work in this specialized on eco-friendly approaches. The rapid change in the agroecosystem leaves a snag in the establishment of harmony in the discard of the disturbed agroecosystem. This disturbance is caused by extension of cultivated areas, monoculture, intensive cultivation, faulty cropping pattern, irrational crop husbandry by way of unbalanced chemical fertilizer application, tapping of subsoil water, introduction of newer varieties of crop and indiscriminate application of synthetic pesticides. The pesticide consumption has increased by 20% per annum although agricultural production is almost static. The insects and diseases cause over Rs. 29,000 crores crop losses per annum. This situation has come up because of killing of natural enemies, resistant problem among insects and diseases to pesticides, residue hazards of pesticides, and chemical fertilizers and upsetting of balance in nature. Considering the above, there is a need of a different kind of agriculture and a different kind of technology to achieve our goal for effective green revolution. We have to phase out the unnecessary consumption of poisonous chemicals and chemical fertilizers, and actively consider our strategies on organic farming system. These strategies includes use of eco-friendly approaches viz., bio-pesticides, bio-agents, bio-fertilizers, IPM, IDM, INM and other allied eco-friendly components. It is with these objectives, the executive committee of the society decided to bring out a bi-annual journal "Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture " to publish latest research information from all over the world on organic farming and management of agriculture.
Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture
Publication's web-site
Publisher: Doctors Krishi Evam Baghwani Vikas Sanstha
p-ISSN: 2229-628X
e-ISSN: 2582-2683
Journal DOI: 10.5958/2582-2683.2020
Issues/Year: 2
Frequency: Half-Yearly
Published in: January, July
Current Volume
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