College student's adaptation of M-wallets-A study based on North India Mr. Kapil Mohit1, Dr. Mehta Krity Gulati2 1Assistant Professor, School of Commerce & Management, Lingaya's Vidyapeeth, Faridabad 2Assistant Professor, School of Commerce & Management, Lingaya's Vidyapeeth, Faridabad Online published on 4 June, 2019. Abstract In India, traditionally people used to purchase things with cash in their pocket. At that time, people were unbanked and used to carry physical cash with them which caused inconvenience and was directly or indirectly the cause of less development of the economy but if you see in modern era the advancement of technology has become the attraction and have been collaborating with various gadgets in which one of them is cellular smart phones and since last many years M-wallet has become the necessity of the life and is in the demand of every second person whosoever is carrying smart phones. This research paper will reveal the facts of M-wallets that how people are connected and have been getting benefits of without carrying thick, bulky & unmanageable physical cash in their pockets. A structured questionnaire had prepared and data was collected with the sample size of 270 students of Delhi/NCR that which M-wallet application they are running and what flexibility in terms of benefits they have been availing after the birth of M-wallets within the circle of technology. Top Keywords M-purse, Electronic payment, E-India, College Students. Top | |
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