Women empowerment through select welfare schemes: A study of bicholim taluka Borkar Shweta Asst. Prof, In Economics & Teacher In-Charge, Department Of Economics, Narayan Zantye College Of Commerce, Bicholim-Goa., India Online published on 14 December, 2017. Abstract Women empowerment has been at the centre stage of discussion in recent years. The Government of India and Goa have launched a number of welfare schemes to promote equity and empowerment of women. They aim to solve the problems of poverty, hunger and disease. Infant mortality rate in rural areas of North Goa is very high. The present study examines the benefits received by women throughselect government welfare schemes in Bicholimtaluka. The study is based on select welfare schemes for women namely Griha Aadhar, Laadli Laxmi, Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) and Indira Gandhi Matritva SahyogYojana (IGMSY). The results reveal that women are really economically empowered through the schemes. It has improved their interaction with the bankers/government and non- government organization. This has increased their awareness on political issues. The schemes had a positive impact on health. Top Keywords Awareness, Empowerment, Interaction, Welfare Schemes. Top | |
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