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ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-5 (May)
Online ISSN : 2249-8826

Table of contents

Designing a decision-maker expert system for evaluating the business potential of proposed plots to Mehr Imam Reza Fund
Seyed Mehdi Hosseini, Mansoor Jafar Gholizadeh Baiee

A study of women entrepreneurship development in Kolhapur city
Prof. Shabana A. Memon

Micro, small and medium enterprises in the 21st century
Nalla Bala Kalyan Kumar, Dr. Sardar Gugloth

Environmental degradation and human welfare: A critical study
S. Balanarayanan, Dr. K. Vetrivel

The other side of the brand personality coin
Dr. S. Rajaram, C. Stalin Shelly

Retailers attitude towards britannia biscuits (A study with special reference to rural areas of Tirunelveli)
F. Mohamed Sabura, Dr. T. Vijayakumar, Abdul Hameed

Impact of M & As on shareholders’ wealth: Evidence from the Indian banking sector
Anam Charan Raul

How indian teenagers influence their parents to purchase a computer - An empirical analysis
Prof. A.S. Mohanram

Internet banking: A study of regulatory, supervisory & management issues
Prof. Virender Singh Solanki

Achieving high involvement & satisfaction through octapace culture in it companies
Dr. Mu. Subrahmanian

Emergence of weather derivatives-feasibility in Indian context
Anjali Choksi

Brand building strategies through promotional campaigns: An empirical study
Dr. Parikshat Singh Manhas, Vivek Sharma

The information technology act of India: A critique
Dr. Shobhalata V. Udapudi, Barnik Ghosh

Investigating the issues and challenges in global distribution of chemicals
Santanu Mandal

Effectiveness of celebrity endorsement in brand recall and brand recognition
J. Sridevi

Small scale industry: An engine of growth
Ram Singh, Dr. O P Verma, Dr. Bimal Anjum

The impact of service quality on customer swicthing in telecommunication industry Jaffna district, Srilanka
Kumaradeepan. V


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