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Voice of Intellectual Man- An International Journal
Year 2011, Volume-1, Issue-1 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 2231-6914

Table of contents


Dr. Vibha Agnihotri

Research Articles

Changing dimensions of rice in garo foodways
Queenbala Marak

Assessment of nutritional status of adolescent Mahadev Koli-A scheduled tribe of Maharashtra
Charulata D. Nandre, Shaunak S. Kulkarni

Corporate social responsibility of the Indian businesses in Thailand
Sophana Srichampa

An interface of socio-cultural factors and reproductive health among the Jaunsarese of Jaunsar -Bawar in Dehradun District of Uttarakhand
Rahul Patel, Santosh Upadhyay

Early childhood growth among Mahadev Koli tribe of Maharashtra
Hemlata Shedge, Shaunak Kulkarni

The mystic kumbh mela from mythology to reality
Anjali Chauhan

Beliefs and rituals in traditional musical instruments of Thailand
Jitikan Jinarak

Family makes a master: A case study of the Malayans of North Malabar, Kerala
M.P. Damodaran

Reproductive health: A survey of knowledge; attitude and awareness among urban slum women of Lucknow city.
Vibha Agnihotri

Research Report

Role of awareness and education to reduce child mortality
Aishwarya Awasthi

An exploratory study of ‘Chira Phodane’ among Kolhati community in Shirur block of Pune district
Preeti Prabhune

Management of menopause: Adopting a healthy lifestyle
Amita Pandey

Women empowerment and social Justice
Aditya Shukla, Bhoopendra Ratan, Sangeeta Maurya

Book Review

Contemporary studies in anthropology- A reading
Sudhir Patel


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