Team leadership for sustainable competitiveness of india: implications for business leaders Dr. Momaya K., Professor Shailesh J. Mehta, School of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, 400076 Online published on 22 November, 2011. Abstract Competitiveness opportunities for India are fast expanding. Leadership plays a critical role in achieving and sustaining competitiveness. Major opportunities for scale-up in leadership for competitiveness has been identified across levels in our research. Among many dimensions, team leadership has often emerged to be a dimension with high potential. Brief background to leadership in context of competitiveness is given. Working definitions of key concepts are evolved. Finally, implications are drawn for thought leaders. It will be better for competitiveness of India, if progressive firms and organizations move towards team leadership models that value collective views, grass-root values, long-term horizons and social/ethical responsibility, building on best of heritage and global practices. Top Keywords Team Leadership, Sustainable Competitiveness, Spirituality, Values. Top | | |
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