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TNNMC Journal of Community Health Nursing
Year 2013, Volume-1, Issue-1 (January-June)
Print ISSN : 2322-0244
Online ISSN : 2456-6969

Table of contents

Research Articles

Effectiveness of beetroot juice on hemoglobin among adolescent girls
Ms. Ananthalakshmi, Prof. Rosaline Rachel

Effectiveness of community based nursing intervention strategies on alcohol dependence and quality of life among alcoholics in selected rural communities
Mr. Dinesh Selvam, Dr. Revathy Vijayalakshmi, Dr. S. Kanchana

Utilization of maternal and child health services-An comparison between rural and urban area
Mrs. Vinili Simpson, Dr. P. Mangalagowri

Effectiveness of comprehensive nursing care package on health related quality of life among hypertensive clients seeking health care services from Omayal Achi Community Health centre
Prof. D. Celina, Dr. Revathy Vijayalakshmi, Dr. S. Kanchana

Effectiveness of soya milk upon menopausal symptoms
Ms. G. Lourds Bemi, Dr. Latha Venkatesan, Mrs. G. Shobana

Effectiveness of multimedia package on knowlegde regarding parenting roles among couples of selected urban and rural community
Mr. Yayathee, Dr. S. Kanchana, Dr. K.R. Rajanarayan

Community nursing unveiled: Roadmap to a healthy population
R. Joy Kezia

Review Articles

Scope of community/public health nursing-A vision towards preventive and promotive health care
Mr. Yayathee Subbarayalu

Elderly abuse: “Elderly in the community are the richest source of experience”
Mrs. P. Sivagami

Be Informed

Innovative community bag
Prof. Jaeny Kemp

Lived in Experience

Lived-in-Experience: Novices ’reflection on community health nursing experience


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