Instructional Television Utilization for the Enhancement of Cognitive Learning Skills: Implication for the Challenges in Science Education Ofili, Osaretin Glory Department of Educational Technology and Library science, Faculty of Education, University of Uyo Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Online published on 28 June, 2013. Abstract This paper focused on Instructional television utilization for the enhancement of cognitive learning skills. The study adopted a quasi experimental design with two classes comprising of forty students each for the study. Two hypotheses were postulated to guide the study. Physics achievement test was developed and validated with a reliability coefficient of 0.71. Data were analyzed using t-test statistics and results revealed that there was a significant difference in the use of instructional television on the performance of students while there was no significant difference in the performance of male and female students in the experimental group. Recommendations were made that instructional television should be used in teaching Physics due it abstract nature. Top Keywords Instructional television, cognitive learning skills, science education. Top | |
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