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Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 1
First page : ( 77) Last page : ( 82)
Print ISSN : 2231-4105. Online ISSN : 2249-5223. Published online : 2022  29.
Article DOI : 10.30954/2231-4105.01.2022.9

Role of Skill Development Programmes in Women Education and Empowerment

Kumar Manoj*

Research Scholar, Nehru Gram Bharati (DU)Jamunipur, Kotwa, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author: kumarmanojmsw007@gmail.com

Online Published on 29 July, 2023.

Received:  20  ,  2022; :  30  ,  2022; Accepted:  08  ,  2022.


IN this research paper, the researcher has made an attempt to look into the role of skill development program in women education and empowerment. Women education is one of the biggest tool for their empowerment and effective development of any country. UN report says that education for women is the single most effective way to improve lives and health of a family and society at large.

Women constitute nearly half of a country’s population, when 50% of the population is left without education a nation remains under developed. Empowered women contribute to the development of the society, community and nation in several ways. Many surveys and studies worldwide have proved that educating women is the best profitable investment in term of safety of children health, community welfare and building long term achievement and success of developing countries.

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) have been implementing several initiative to achieve women empowerment through skill development.

Long term skill development via Industrial Training Institute (ITI): 18 national skill training institute are imparting skill training exclusively for women.

Short term skill development: the flagship program of the ministry, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna strives to promote increased participation of women in the work force through appropriate skilling and gender main streaming of skills. Close to 50% of the candidates enrolled and trained under PMKVY are women out of the total 56 lakh candidates who have benefited from the scheme.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL): under the recognition prior learning more than 4 lakh women candidates have been oriented indifferent skill areas, recognizing their existing skills through a formal certificate and giving them a means to earn better livelihood.

Education Unlocks a whole new world of chances for a women, it gives her the confidence to tackle different problems of life, become economically independent, make better choices resolve family or community matters appropriately, stand for her rights and able to live life on her own terms.



Women empowerment, Skill development, Women education, MSDE.


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