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Trends in Biosciences
Year : 2015, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : ( 795) Last page : ( 800)
Print ISSN : 0974-8431. Online ISSN : 0976-2485.

Soil Temperature, Evaporation and Water Tension Dynamics at Upper Vadose Zone During Intervening Period

Bhatt Rajan*, Kukal Surinder S

Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141 004

*e-mail: rajansoils@gmail.com

Online published on 13 January, 2016.


Delineating soil moisture dynamics during intervening periods at upper vadose zone perhaps most unattended aspect which further governed by fluctuating soil temperature (ST), evaporation (SE) and water tension (STW). Study was conducted to quantify their variation as affected by conservation tillage and different establishment methods during intervening period after rice-2013. This study concluded that on an average, permanent zero till plots viz. ZTW-DSRZT evaporated 27.6% lesser than permanent conventional till plots viz. CTW-DSRDT. However, ZTW-DSRDT plots recorded with lowest evaporation losses. CTWDSRCT plots had 2.3% higher ST than ZTWDSRZT plots. At surface soil (0-10cm), on an average SWT values dropped down to 49, 9.2 and 21% when DSRP, DSRDT and DSRZT plots shifted their partnership from CTW to ZTW plots. On an average, it revealed that permanently tilled plots (CTW-DSRDT) in terms of SWT dried out 14% faster than the permanent zero till scenario viz. ZTW-DSRZT. Finally, zero tilled plots particularly double ZT plots viz. ZTW-DSRZT (ZT wheat block and DSR-ZT rice plots) had lower ST, SE and SWT values to had high moisture retention capacity for a longer period of time.



Zero tillage, direct seeded plots, vadose zone, soil temperature, evaporation, water tension.


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