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Splint International Journal Of Professionals
Year : 2020, Volume : 7, Issue : 1
First page : ( 41) Last page : ( 46)
Print ISSN : 2349-6045. Online ISSN : 0000-0000.

Mergers and acquisitions: Why current business scenario is acting as a catalyst?

Dr. Joshi Navneet1, Dr. Saxena Sanjive2, Prakash Ravi3

1Professor, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Near Rithal Metro Station, Rohini-sector-5, New Delhi, India

2Associate Professor, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Near Rithal Metro Station, Rohini-sector-5, New Delhi, India

3PG student, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Near Rithal Metro Station, Rohini-sector-5, New Delhi, India

Online published on 1 March, 2021.


The Indian business environment is currently passing through a significant phase. This significance phase is witnessed by means of slowing down of economy, severe recession and increasing pressure on the companies to reduce the production cost. Thus, by resorting to these measures the business units are of the opinion that they may stay competitive in the market and thus sustain the onslaught. Mergers and acquisition is one such measure which the companies resort to stay in the market. The research paper is exploratory in nature and seeks to determine the answer to the research question (a) why current business scenario is acting as a catalyst for Merger and Acquisitions. The data deployed and analyzed is secondary in nature from various sources. The findings indicate the prevailing crisis in the Indian context is ideal for M&A.



M&A, Recession, Economic slowdown, technological advancements.


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