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Year : 2023, Volume : 10, Issue : 4
First page : ( 382) Last page : ( 400)
Print ISSN : 2349-6045. Online ISSN : 2583-3561. Published online : 2023  27.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2583-3561.2023.00038.3

Unravelling the Metaverse: A Bibliometric Review

Srivastava Tapsi1,*, Kaur Nabhjeet2,**, Chatterjee Ridhika3,***

1Assistant Professor (Finance), IILM Academy of Higher Learning, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

2Faculty Associate (Finance), IILM Academy of Higher Learning, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

3Assistant Professor (Marketing), IMS Ghaziabad University Courses Campus, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

*(Corresponding author) email id: tapsi.srivastava@iilmlko.ac.in



Online Published on 27 February, 2024.

Received:  01  October,  2023; Accepted:  03  January,  2024.


The term ‘metaverse’ refers to the theory of a fusion of recent technological developments aimed at integrating and expanding the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), blockchain, and Networking. The goal of this chapter is to get a thorough grasp of the current state of advancement in the metaverse sector, as well as to look into its potential implications for both business and society. The study was carried out with the help of tools such as the bibliometrics package and the Biblioshiny platform within the R studio software and VOS viewer. The research methodology used in this work centres around bibliometric analysis, a well-established strategy for quantitatively scrutinising scholarly output and well-recognised as an effective strategy for digging into large datasets and tracing their temporal evolution. This chapter explores the inception of metaverse and how it has contributed to business and society. This thorough examination of bibliometric data offers insightful information on a wide range of academic research dimensions. The findings of the study indicate that application of metaverse will be a potential technology for firms looking for progress in their industry. The study also revealed that metaverse deals with its own set of positive and negative aspects, which include, cyber bullying, unethical and illegal actions etc. on one hand and a smooth experience for the user to stay connected with worldwide community on the other hand. It is believed that the integration of technology and business processes will influence the growth and evolution of any business model. In addition to that, the analysis of the literature of the metaverse will be valuable to the organisations, scholars, students, and anyone interested in the emerging concept of metaverse.



Big data, Artificial intelligence, Extended reality, Business, Digital technology.


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