Socio-economic empowerment of dalit women through micro finance – a case study Rajanayaka K.J. Research Scholar, DOS in Economics, University of Mysore, Mysore, India Online published on 11 September, 2014. Abstract The micro credit institutions (MFIs) in India today offer a variety of products, follow different pricing strategies, adopt varied credit delivery models and have different legal forms and organizational structures. The present section attempts to analyze the micro credit industry in India using posters competitive strategy framework model and gives an overview of the products offered by the MFIs, the credit-delivery methodology being used and different pricing strategies employed. The micro credit programmes by the informal sector in India have evolved over the years. There is no single appropriate form of legislation for institutions undertaking micro credit institutions have been getting registered under different legislations, categorized under three heads. An attempt is made in this paper is to analyse the socio-economic empowerment of dalit women through micro finance. Top Keywords Micro Finance, Dalit Women, Empowerment. Top | |
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