The determinants of quality of housing in Pakistan Dr. Subhan Sabahat*, Dr. Ahmad Eatzaz** *Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan **Professor/Dean, Department of Economics, Qauid-i-Azam University. Islamabad, Pakistan Online published on 24 September, 2012. Abstract This paper provides an in-depth analysis of quality of housing in Pakistan based on micro-level household data of 2004-05. This study analyzes the differences in quality of housing among different households in urban areas, rural areas and in overall Pakistan. The quality of the housing is estimated through Ordinary Least Square method. The results indicate that some variables have a significant effect on the quality of housing in rural Pakistan and some other variables are significant in the urban Pakistan and overall Pakistan. The stepwise elimination procedure is applied to drop insignificant variables. Household demography, education and income have strong influence on choice of quality of housing. Top Keywords Homeownership, Quality of Housing, Pakistan. Top | |
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