Impact of relationship marketing on customer loyalty on banking sectors Sivesan S.* *Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Studies and commerce, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Online published on 29 September, 2017. Abstract In today's business world, relationship marketing is considered as the heart of the marketing. Many professional and academicism have defined the term relationship marketing in different ways. “Berry (1983) was the first one who used the term relationship marketing, which was used as a relationship perspective. In this study, relationship marketing was measured through commitment, trust, communication and conflict handling. The study found that the correlation value between relationship marketing and customer loyalty is 0.753 which is significant at 0.01 levels. There is positive linear relationship between the relationship marketing and customer loyalty. According to the Regression analysis, 58.6% of the customer loyalty was determined by the relationship marketing. Top | |
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