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Range Management and Agroforestry
Year 2024, Volume-45, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 0971-2070
Online ISSN : 2249-5231

Table of contents RSS Feed

Floristic composition and phytosociology of various forage-based land-use systems in the Himalayas over an altitudinal gradient
P. L. Bhutia, B. Gupta, R. P. Yadav, K. G. Bhutia, Devideen Yadav, Leishangthem Chanu Langlentombi

Effects of exclosures on mountain grassland floristic composition in Sidama, Ethiopia
Denbeshu Debeko, Ayana Angassa, Solomon Mengistu, Adugna Tolera

Agroforestry area mapping using medium resolution satellite data and object-based image analysis
M. Varshitha, T. Chaitanya, T. L. Neelima, G. Jayasree

Genetic diversity studies in local collections and advanced generations of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes for fodder yield and yield-attributing traits
S. K. Vinodkumar, K. Sridhar, S. K. Deshpande, N. S. Kulkarni

Deciphering the genetic architecture of β-glucan content in oats (Avena sativa L.) through QTL mapping
Gagandeep Kaur, Rahul Kapoor, Lalit Pal, Puja Srivastava, Priti Sharma

Genetic parameters, correlation and path analysis for fodder and dual purpose sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] genotypes
Dalip, Natwar S. Dodiya, Deepak Panwar, Naval S. Devra

GGE biplot and AMMI analysis for stability and adaptability of dualpurpose maize hybrids tested across multi-environments for baby corn and fodder yield
K. R Yathish, Santosh Kumar, T. Vasanth Rao, Pardeep Kumar, M. Karthik, Abhijit Kumar Das, G. K. Chikkappa, Preeti Singh, S.K. Mahanta, J.C. Sekhar, Bharath Bhushan, B.S. Jat, Sujay Rakshit

Parent-offspring regression and intergeneration correlation analysis in powdery mildew resistance derived F4 and F5 generations of oat
Jyoti Kumari, V.K. Sood, Sawan Kumar, S.K. Sanadya, Priyanka, Rhitisha Sood

Physiological adaptations of lucerne under a limited irrigation system
Edna Antony, Sateesh Kumar, K. Sridhar, S. Karthigeyan, N.S. Kulkarni, M.B. Doddamani

Integrated physiological and molecular approaches to study salt-induced adaptation in halophytes collected from extremely saline lands
Ashwani Kumar, Arvind Kumar, Naresh Kumar, B. L. Meena, Anita Mann

Effect of potassic fertilization on yield of fodder sorghum-sudan grass hybrid and selection of extractants for determination of plant potassium availability
Subhadip Paul, Mandira Barman, Debarup Das

Growth and quality parameters of oat (Avena sativa L.) cultivars as influenced by different cutting management in irrigated subtropical conditions
Akhil Bharti, Vijay Khajuria, B.C. Sharma, Vijay Kumar, Aaina Sharma

Effect of different nutrient management practices on productivity profitability and nutrient dynamics in forage-based cropping systems under mid-hill conditions of north-western Himalayas
Priyanka Kumari, Naveen Kumar

Performance of bajra napier hybrid under varying levels and frequency of MgSO4 nutrition in humid tropics
M. V. Navya, Usha C. Thomas, R. K. Agrawal, Nagendra Singh

Enhancing productivity, profitability and land use efficiency of fodder oats (Avena sativa L.) and berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) by intercropping
Mohd. Arif, Arvind Kumar, R. Pourouchottamane, D. L. Gupta, B. Rai

Effect of cropping systems, top feeds and planting geometry on growth, yield and economics of top feeds
P. Mubeena, Usha C. Thomas, R. K. Agrawal, P. Shalini Pillai

Orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata L.) yield and nutritive characteristics i response to different cutting regimes in a temperate region
Nazim Hamid Mir, Suheel Ahmad, Sheeraz Saleem Bhat

Proximate principles and total phenolic content of Melia dubia Cav. leaf varies across altitudinal gradients in South Gujarat
S. S. Malek, N. S. Thakur, V. R. Patel, R. P. Gunaga, Y. A. Garde

Quality and production potential of green fodder and silage for kharif maize hybrid under rainy season in Punjab
Jaspal Singh Hundal, Pardeep Kumar, Navjot Singh Brar, Mukesh Choudhary, Amit Sharma, Sujay Rakshit

Floral diversity and nutritional value of forages in Pulikulam cattle breeding tract
G. Srinivasan, Valli Chinnamani, M. Chellapandian, V. Leela, T. Sathiamoorthy, A. Arunachalam

Effect of supplementation of berseem hay meal as replacer of mustard cake protein on nutrient intake, utilization and growth performance in Jalauni lambs
M. M. Das, Sultan Singh, K. K. Singh, P. Sharma, Khem Chand

Knowledge and adoption gaps of Stylosanthes seed production practices followed by farmers of Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh
Rama S. Reddy, Nagaratna Biradar, S. S. Guledgudda, A. Bheemappa, Laxmi Tirlapur, Geeta Gadekar, Akshata Kerur

Productivity and quality of different rabi fodder crops under kinnow mandarin based hortipasture system
P.C. Ghasal, N. Ravisankar, D. Dutta, Amit Nath, S. Malik, A.K. Prusty, P. Kashyap, M. Shamim, A.S. Panwar

Effect of intercropping and zinc management on weed density and fodder yield in oats
Muskan Porwal, S.R. Kantwa, S.S. Singh, Prabhu Govindasamy, Badal Verma, Srinivasan Ramakrishnan

Nutritional evaluation and comparison of extraction processes of parota [Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb. Mimosaceae] almonds
Mario Alejandro Mejía-Delgadillo, María Valdez-Hernández, German David Mendoza-Martínez, Nicolás Torres-Salado, Pastor Matadamas-Ortíz, Azareel Angulo Castro, Luis Alaniz Gutiérrez, Héctor Aaron LeeRangel, M. Luis Valenzuela-Nuñez

Berseem hay supplementation to improve productivity of Bundelkhandi goats in winter season
Deepak Upadhyay, Pooja Tamboli, Anup Kumar, K. K. Singh, S. K. Mahanta

Vulnerability to climate change among the Changpa pastoral nomads of Leh-Ladakh
Sanjit Maiti, Sanchita Garai, Mukesh Bhakat, K. S. Kadian


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