Application of Differential Equations in Medical Science Jyothi K. T. N.*, Subrahmanyam P. S. R., Sravanthi A. Ch. Department of Mathematics, Ideal College of Arts and Sciences, Kakinada *Corresponding Author E-mail: ktnjyothi9@gmail.com
Online published on 12 June, 2018. Abstract It is an incontrovertible fact that differential equations form the most important branch of mathematics and in fact, the position at the centre stage of both pure and applied mathematics. It also obvious that differential equations from the basis of applied mathematics. Keeping it into observation in this paper let us discuss about an epidemiology problem like leukemia. It is impossible to describe all the roles played by differential equations in pure and applied mathematics in single paper. Recently there has been significant activity in the mathematical community, aimed at developing quantitative tools for studying leukemia. Mathematical models have been applied to evaluate existing therapies and suggest novel therapies. This paper reviews the contributions of mathematical modeling to leukemia. These modeling have great potential in this field. Top Keywords Mathematical modeling, leukemia, differential equations, bone marrow, growth. Top | |
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