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Research Journal of Science and Technology
Year : 2017, Volume : 9, Issue : 2
First page : ( 259) Last page : ( 266)
Print ISSN : 0975-4393. Online ISSN : 2349-2988.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2349-2988.2017.00047.X

Prevalence of Odontogenic Cysts-A Retrospective Clinico-Pathological Study

Gayathri M.1, Don K. R.2

1Third Year BDS Undergraduate Student, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai-600077, Tamil Nadu, India

2Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral and maxillofacial Pathology, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai-600077, Tamil Nadu, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: arthimohan2010@gmail.com

Online published on 18 September, 2017.



Odontogenic cysts are unique in a way that they only affect the oral and maxillofacial region. The Odontogenic cysts arise from the epithelial components of the odontogenic apparatus or its remnants that lie entrapped within bone or in the gingival tissue. Even though the prognosis of the lesion is excellent, there are possibilities that the cyst may undergo a neoplastic change or may affect occlusion and eruption. It is important to determine the prevalence pattern of odontogenic cysts for proper management.


To determine the prevalence pattern of odontogenic cysts and its clinico-pathological correlation and to compare the results with the findings in the literature.


This retrospective study included reports of 163 histopathologically diagnosed cases of odontogenic cysts from the year 2004. Clinical history and relevant data were recorded. The cases were analyzed for type of cyst, age, sex and anatomical site.


The most frequent type of odontogenic cyst was periapical cyst (38.03%), followed by odontogenic keratocyst (35.6%), dentigerous cyst (10.4%), residual cyst (8.5%), orthokeratinised odontogenic cyst (4.2%), glandular odontogenic cyst (2.45%) and lateral periodontal cyst (0.6%). The most prevalent age group was 21–30 years except for residual cyst which was 31–40 years and lateral periodontal cyst which was 61–70 years. The most prevalent gender was male for all the odontogenic cysts. The most common anatomic site of the cysts was posterior mandible except for dentigerous cyst, periapical cyst and lateral periodontal cyst.



Odontogenic cyst, prevalence.


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