A Survey of Threats to E-Commerce Applications Singh Narinder Pal* Research Scholar, Gobindgarh Public College, Alour, Khanna *Corresponding Author E-mail: narindersonu@gmail.com
Online published on 18 October, 2016. Abstract In this growing era of internet, when the concept of going global has worked everywhere across the globe. The evolution of electronic media has played its role in all the sector of economy and has acknowledged the presence of technology. The growing technology has made the world shrink all together by the help of a single word "Online". But at the same time a new question has also popped up. What will be the new measure of security? How the information has to be made secure, which has been opened all of a sudden to whole world. What will be new concept to identify the genuine from fake? All this has raised a serious concern toward the need of security in online applications. In this paper we have discussed the various threats from which all the internet application must be safe for a smooth functioning. Top Keywords E-commerce Security, SQL Injection, Bots, Securing E-Payments. Top | |
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