Impotentia Coeundi and Impotentia Generandi: A Male Infertility Parmar Sanjay C.* Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat-388 001, India *Corresponding Author E-mail: dr.sanjayparmar@yahoo.in
Online published on 1 October, 2016. Abstract The fertility of a male is related to several phenomenon includes sperm production, viability and fertilizing capacity of the ejaculated sperm, sexual desire and the ability to copulate. Reproductive problems causing absolute or relative infertility in male animals mainly includes reduced to complete lack of sexual desire or libido, failure of normal service and failure of conception after normal service. The sterile males are readily identified, but the males with reduced fertility poses serious problems and causes economic losses to breeders and AI industry. Top Keywords Male infertility, Impotentia coeundi, Impotentia generandi. Top | |
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