Multiple boundary layer flow of jeffry fluid past a vertical plate through porous medium in a conducing fluid Reddy L. Rama Mohan* Department of Mathematics, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Andhra Pradesh, India *Corresponding Author E-mail: duggireddy.lingari@gmail.com
Online published on 27 April, 2021. Abstract The present study considers an analytical investigation of multiple boundary layer flow of Jeffry fluid past a vertical plate through porous medium in a conducing fluid in the presence of a uniform transverse magnetic field. Then effects of radiation, heat generation/absorption, radiation absorption and homogeneous chemical reaction are considered. The coupled nonlinear partial equation are turned to ordinary by super imposing a solutions with steady and time dependent transient part. Finally, the set of ordinary differential equations are solved with a perturbation method to meet the inadequacy of boundary condition. The effect of different parameters on the flow is revealed by the help of graphs and tables. Most interesting observation is the fluctuation of velocity appears near the plate due to the presence of sink and presences of elastic element as well heat source reduce the skin friction. Top Keywords Jeffry fluid, Porous plate, Thermal radiation, Chemical reaction, Heat and mass transfer, Radiation absorption. Top | |
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