Non-linear oscillation of inextensible cable-connected satellites with resonance n=1½2 for small eccentricity of the orbit with perturbative forces Tiwari Arbind Kumar* Research Scholar, Jai Prakash University, Chapra, Bihar *Corresponding Author E-mail: arbindkrtiwarigpl@gmail.com
Online published on 29 January, 2021. Abstract In this paper we study the non-linear parametric resonant oscillation of an inextensible cable-connected satellites system about stable position of equilibrium where it oscillates like a dumb-bell satellite in the phase plane (a,θ). B.K.M. method has been exploited to get the general solution valid at and near the parametric resonance n=1½2. Top Keywords Satellites, B.K.M. Method, Perturbative forces, Air resistance, Oblateness. Top | |
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