Phytochemical studies of ethnobotanically significant plant Abrus precatorius L. of Tirhut division of Bihar Singh Prahrisht Kumar* Department of Botany, Jagdam College, Chapra Jai Prakash University, Chapra *Corresponding Author E-mail: prahrishtkumarsingh0353@gmail.com
Online published on 29 January, 2021. Abstract The plant A. precatorius L. is commonly known to tribal people of Champaran district (east and west) of Bihar as ‘Jethimudh’, "Karjiri" or ‘Ratti’. Six free amino-acids have been detected from the leaves of the plant. Out of these six, DL-threonine is an essential amino acid. DL-aspartic acid, DL- nor-leucine and L-cystine HCL are non-essential amino acids whereas L-cystine is sulphur containing and DL-2-amino-n-butyric acid is non-proteinaceous amino acid. This ornamental plant is used by tribal people in uterine disorders, sore throat, lungs congestion, anti-fertilitic agent, cough and cold, fruits as insecticides and seed powder as antidote to snake bite. Cystenuria is a disease caused due to metabolic imbalance by this plant. Top | |
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