A new approach for solving balanced and/or unbalanced intuitionistic fuzzy assignment problems Jayalakshmi M.* Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT University, Vellore-14, India *Corresponding Author E-mail: m.jayalakshmi@vit.ac.in
Online published on 2 March, 2017. Abstract In this paper a new algorithm is proposed to find the optimal solution and total optimal intuitionistic fuzzy cost for the given intuitionistic fuzzy assignment (IFA) problems using crisp linear programming (LP) problem. In this proposed method, all the parameters are represented by triangular fuzzy number. The fuzzy optimal solution of the IFA problems obtained by the proposed method, do not require Hungarian algorithm and ranking method. The proposed algorithm is very easy to understand and apply to find intuitionistic fuzzy optimal cost taking place in the real life situations. Top Keywords Intuitionistic Fuzzy assignment problem, linear programming problem, fuzzy linear programming problem. Top | |
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