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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2016, Volume : 9, Issue : 12
First page : ( 2241) Last page : ( 2245)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2016.00452.2

Concentration study of antimicrobial activity with selected oral cleansers on oral microflora

Kumar M. G. Sanal, Nandakumar S., Bini B.*, Mahitha M. S.

P.G. and Research, Department of Zoology, N.S.S. College, Pandalam, Kerala, India-689 501

*Corresponding Author E-mail: binirohini@gmail.com

Online published on 2 March, 2017.


The present study was aimed to screen antimicrobial effect of four selected tooth paste, on heterogenous human mouth, with an objective to evaluate performance of daily usable toothpastes, avoiding bacterial contamination of the mouth. In this investigation, all toothpaste has shown results. Among them, Colgate shown appreciable microbial resistance, 34.33 at a concentration of 9 gm/3 ml, followed by Closeup. Dabur and K.P. Namboothiris both ayurvedic products show similar results. In the study of all the toothpastes have proved their antimicrobial action in terms of inhibition in the bacterial culture. These toothpastes are currently running commercial commodities in the market. The study could prove that the bacteria inhabiting mouth can effectively controlled by optimal usage of this commodities. Present investigation may be considered as excellent products for preventing accumulation of heterogenous bacteria on human oral microflora. Study was based on in-vitro experiments. Results from this study have shown that toothpaste formulation containing synthetic antimicrobial agents like triclosan were more effective in controlling the oral micro-flora compared to toothpastes containing microbial agents. It cannot be assumed that the results of antimicrobial efficacy could be proportional for transferable to the oral activity and translated into clinical effectiveness. This was an in vitro study therefore it is not necessary that the result that we obtained shows the same effects on in-vivo experiments, hence it is needed to proceed this study under in-vivo conditions. The study can further be taken as an approach to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of various toothpastes and compare them with conventional dentifrices known antibacterial effect. HPLC technique can further be performed for extracting pure molecular form of antibacterial components to increase the efficacy dentifrices. It has been concluded from our results that certain dentifrices has shown less zone of inhibition due to less solubility of antibacterial components, so it is required to study further and perform certain experiments which could increase their solubility.



Antimicrobial effect, tooth paste, Colgate, Closeup, Dabur, K.P. Namboothiris.


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