Dental anxiety myth or reality Menon Aniruddh*, Dr. Maheswari T.N. Uma** Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India *Corresponding Author E-mail: aniruddhmenon@icloud.com
Online published on 2 March, 2017. Abstract To study impact of dental anxiety on patients day to day life and activities. To assess the impacts on the psychology and behaviour of the patients.: People with dental anxiety are often difficult for doctors to treat. Doctors often tend to make mistakes out of stress and are unable to give the patient the care they deserve. Due to anxiety they tend to avoid doctors and have poor oral health. The study involves distribution of questionnaire to the 6 Undergraduate clinics of Saveetha Dental College. The method used here is the MDAS method (Modified Dental Anxiety Scale) Top | |
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