Nutrient Analysis of Soil Collected from Panuchakuli Village, Kanyakumari District, Kanyakumari Krishnaveni Marimuthu* Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, School of Bio-Sciences, Periyar University, Salem-11 *Corresponding Author E-mail:
Online published on 28 October, 2015. Abstract Soil reflects both natural and human activities. It changes in its properties with respect to environmental issues. Inorder to know the soil properties in the particular location, it was decided to study the nutrient contents, microbial analysis of the soil. The pH, organic carbon, NPK, minor nutrients was assessed. The pH was found to be alkaline. The NPK level was moderate in amount, and all the minor minerals were higher in amount except boron which was absent. The total mineral content of the soil was 266.19kg/acre. Among the microbes tested, the bacteria was found in higher concentration, followed by fungi and very less of actinomycetes was present. From the results it is concluded, that the soil contains sufficient organic carbon, nutrients, microbes essential for growth of the plant. Top Keywords Nutrients, Minerals, Microbes, pH, Soil. Top |