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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2015, Volume : 8, Issue : 2
First page : ( 185) Last page : ( 188)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2015.00033.5

Comparative Study on Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of Pure Aceclofenac with the Aceclofenac Loaded Mucoadhesive Microparticles in Rats

Rajesh M.1,2,*, Narayanan N.3

1Sankaralingam Bhuvaneswari College of Pharmacy, Anaikuttam, Sivakasi-626130, Tamilnadu, India

2Periyar Maniammai University, Vallam, Thanjavur-613403, Tamil Nadu, India

3Director, Jaya College of Pharmacy, Thirunintravur, Chennai-602024, Tamilnadu, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: mrajeshpharm@gmail.com


Aceclofenac is a non steroidal Anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used for relief of pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Aceclofenac possess remarkable Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and the analgesic and Anti-inflammatory efficacy is generally equivalent to that of comparator nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with similar onset of action. The objective of the present study was to evaluate and compare the Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of Aceclofenac loaded mucoadhesive microparticles developed by employing sodium alginate in combination with Carbopol as mucoadhesive polymer (F8) with that of pure Aceclofenac in wistar rats. The Anti-inflammatory and sustaining action of the formulation F8 was evaluated by the carrageenan-induced hind paw edema method and the analgesic activity was determined by tail flick method in wistar rats. The results of Anti-inflammatory activity showed a maximum of 86.99% inhibition of edema with Group III (Pure Aceclofenac) and 82.11% inhibition of edema with Group V (F8) at 4 h after carrageenan treatment. In analgesic study, Group II (pure Aceclofenac) had showed increase in Basal reaction time. Moreover, it showed highly significance with p<0.01 and Group IV (F8) showed significance at p< 0.05 compared to control group.



Aceclofenac, Anti-inflammatory activity, Analgesic activity, Carbopol, Mucoadhesive microparticles.


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