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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2015, Volume : 8, Issue : 10
First page : ( 1383) Last page : ( 1388)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2015.00248.6

Dental Health in Osteoporotic Women

Dr. Alyasiry Annas1, Dr. Aljammali Zainab Mahmood1, Dr. Almosawy Ahmed M.1, Dr. Alrubbaie Sabbah2

1Dentistry Department, Dentistry College, Babylon University

2Dentistry Department, Medicine College, Babylon University

Corresponding Author E-mail:

Online published on 2 December, 2015.



The aim of the study was to examine the condition of periodontal tissues, the mobility of teeth, and the TMJ condition in osteoporosis women in different degree and age.


In this study 68healthy women with osteoporosis only were included; on the basis of the absolute value and T-score. The examined people were mainly females, aged between 30 and 70years, they were divided into three groups according to degree of osteoporosis. The clinical parameters used for determining the condition of periodontal tissues and the TMJ included: protrusion of mandible, limited opening, drifting to one side, TMJ clicking, TMJ tender, bleeding, gum recession, periodontitis, gingivitis, mobility of teeth and carious teeth was notified.


All the patient in this study have TMJ tender with clicking (100%). The protrusion of the mandible in group one is the least than the other group. The limiting of mouth opening percentage was larger in the group 3 in older patient than the younger patient in the same group and in the other groups, and it was obvious that the periodontitis, gingivitis and bleeding were increased in group (1 &2) in older age. The number of missing teeth was the largest in older age group, and proportional to the osteoporosis degree increase.


The osteoporosis has effects on the oral health and associated with TMJ tender and clicking, protrusion of the mandible, drifting of jaw to one side and limiting of mouth opening percentage, and all these effects increased in the older age patient than the younger patient. The percentage of carious teeth, gingivitis, the bleeding and the number of missing teeth was increase with the osteoporosis degree increase.



Dental health, osteoporosis, women.


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