Hydrotropic solubilization and linearity profile of apixaban Karajgi Santosh*, Potadar Shripad Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, BLDEA's SSM College of Pharmacy and Research Centre, Vijayapur, 586103 *Corresponding Author E-mail: santosh.karajgi@gmail.com
Online published on 30 April, 2021. Abstract A study on the hydrotropic solubility and linearity profile of Apixaban was carried out by using Sodium Salicylate as the solubilizing agent as Apixaban is poorly soluble in water. Apixaban was freely soluble in water when 1.5M Sodium Salicylate was used as a solubilizing agent. Apixaban shows an absorption maximum at 318nm in First derivative mode of measurement using Shimadzu UV Spectrophotometer 1800 Spectronic model. At this absorption maximum of 318nm, Apixaban shows a linear response in the range of 2μg/ml to 14μg/ml concentration. The present study is useful for the aqueous solubilization and quantitative determination of Apixaban in bulk drug and in pharmaceutical formulations thus avoiding toxic solvents. Top Keywords Apixaban, Hydrotropic, Solubilization, Solubility Profile, Linearity profile, Quantitative Determination. Top | | |
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