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Year : 2021, Volume : 14, Issue : 3
First page : ( 1215) Last page : ( 1220)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2021.00216.X

High sensitivity spectrophotometric methods for the determination of zolmitriptan in pharmaceutical formulations

Alfares Banana1*, Sakur Amir Alhaj2**

1Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, University of Aleppo, Syria.

2Department of Analytical and Food Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Aleppo, Syria.

*Corresponding Author E-mail: alfaresbananan@gmail.com


Online published on 30 April, 2021.


Two simple, sensitive, rapid and extractive free spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of zolmitriptan (ZMT) in pure form and in pharmaceutical formulations. The methods are based on the formation of ion pair coloured complexes between ZMT and two dyes, thymolblue (TB) method (A) and phenol red (PhR) method (B) with absorption maximum at 398nm and 418nm for TB and PhR, respectively. Reaction conditions were optimized to obtain the maximum colour intensity. Beer's law was obeyed in the concentration ranges of 0.125–9.0 and 1.25–40.00μg/mL with TB and PhR, respectively. The limits of quantification (LOQ) were 0.24 and 2.20μg/mL for TB and PhR methods, respectively. Molar absorptivity (ɛ) values were 6.3642×104, and 1.2552×104 L/moL.cm for TB and PhR methods, respectively. The proposed methods applied successfully to the determine of ZMT in raw material and in its dosage forms, and no interference was observed from common excipients present in pharmaceutical preparations. Statistical comparison of the results with the reference method showed excellent agreement and indicated no significant difference in accuracy and precision.



Complex formation, Thymol Blue, Phenol Red, Zolmitriptan.


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