Green expertise: Synthesis of Silver nanoparticles for wound healing application an overview Maheshwari Shubhrat*, Tiwari Ritesh Kumar, Singh Lalit SRMS, CET Bareilly, Department of Pharmaceutics, Bareilly *Corresponding Author E-mail: shubhrat1996@gmail.com
Online published on 30 April, 2021. Abstract Medicinal plants are being widely used, as a single or combination in wound healing process. Modern therapies present a large number of options, while traditional therapies are promising effective choices. Plant based extract are used in silver nanoparticle for achieving the therapeutic response of wound healing. Wound healing has been intensely studies in order to develop an “ideal” technique that achieves topical treatment, which prevent infection and promote a proper burn wound healing process. Green expertise technique is used to produce Silver nanoparticle for eco-friendly drug which can easily dispose in environment and do not affect the cost value. Research interest in the area of nanotechnology using nanoparticles produced the targeted therapeutic effect. Metal nanoparticles are being increasingly being used in dermatology preventing bacterial infections. GRAPHICAL ABSRACT:
Top Keywords Nanoparticles, Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), Herbal plants, Burn, Wound healing. Top | | |
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