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Year : 2021, Volume : 14, Issue : 1
First page : ( 21) Last page : ( 27)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2021.00005.6

Ameliorated solubility and dissolution of flurbiprofen using solubilizer Sepitrap 80 and Sepitrap 4000

Jagtap Sneha1*, Magdum Chandrakant2, Jagtap Rajesh1

1Annasaheb Dange College of B Pharmacy, Ashta, Sangli-416301, Maharashtra, India

2Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon, Sangli-415404, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: snehajagtap22@rediffmail.com

Online published on 22 April, 2021.


The capability of novel solubilizer sepitrap 80 and sepitrap 4000 to enhance the solubility, dissolution was assessed in current investigation through the formation of simple physical mixture with a poorly aqueous soluble drug Flurbiprofen, phenylalkanoic acid derivative from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).The physical mixtures were prepared in 1: 1, 1: 2 and 1: 3 proportions with sepitrap 80 and sepitrap 4000 and characterized for saturation solubility, dissolution, and stability studies. The physicochemical properties of physical mixtures with solubilizer were confirmed by DSC, PXRD, and SEM. Saturation solubility was carried in order to determine solubility of drug in distilled water. The physical mixtures exhibited solubility of 261% and 369.87%with sepitrap 80 and sepitrap 4000. The dissolution rate and solubility were undoubtedly improved by physical mixtures as compared to model drug alone. Physical mixtures incorporated with sepitrap 4000 at 1: 2 ratio proved better thansepitrap 80. Hence, the sepitrap could be exploited as a solubilizer to improve the solubility of Flurbiprofen.



Poor water soluble, Flurbiprofen, Solubilizer, Sepitrap80, Sepitrap 4000.


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