Overview of chronopharmacology Tamilanban T, Mohamedmajeed A*, Chitra V Department of Pharmacology, SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM Ist, Kattankulathur-603203 *Corresponding Author E-mail: majeed2905@gmail.com
Online published on 16 September, 2020. Abstract Chronopharmacology is a study of way and duration to that the pharmacokinetic and dynamics of medicine straightly damaged by internal biological rhythm and drug dosing time affect biological timekeeping and biological rhythms. Chronopharmacology builds by pharmacotherapy, pharmacokinetics, and toxicity. Chronopharmacotherapy is considered to science that explicates the biological pulse depended on medicine. It effectively resolves issues of drug development. For example to improve the desired energy or to decrease undesired effects. So Chronopharmacology approaches associate a minor risk of errors and or wrong information than the common homeostatic approach. The drug effective and toxic vary depending on dosing time involved with twenty-four hours. The great amount of protein is necessary for regular body vibration either medication absorption or metabolic action result in constant pharmacokinetics, and vibration in a physiological system to focus on these medication result in regular pharmacodynamics. These circadian is display in the most living organism of the body, arranged in the characteristic of rank order. The circadian clock is under control and maintaining the behavioral and physiological function of the body like physiology and behavioral action managed in “master clock” in the SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus) of the thalamus, other are managed by “laborer” vibration separate in brain sector or body tissues. In this treatment pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, action maintains in the circadian clock. Chronopharmacological principle currently used in different cardiovascular diseases such as pulmonary embolism, angina, hypertension, etc. in circadian pattern blood pressure change in a day. To regularly monitoring blood pressure in morning and night the reveals a pattern with the lowest amount of systolic and diastolic pressure but midnight to morning 4 am blood pressure values different compare with after morning 7 am tonight. Blood pressure level increases in the early morning and reduces during sleeping time. Suddenly raise in BP are leads to a rise in heart rate. It caused by the synthetic reaction process on the body and expressed into the bloodstream to produce different actions in the body. Top Keywords Chronopharmacotherapy, Myocardial infarction, Angina, Hypertension, Circadian rhythm. Top |