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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2020, Volume : 13, Issue : 7
First page : ( 3211) Last page : ( 3214)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00568.5

Comparison and Evaluation of the colour changes among three Different Temporisation Materials -In vitro Study

Radhika M1, Suresh V.2,*

1Graduate Student Saveetha Dental College, 162 Poonamallee High Road, Velapanchavadi, Chennai-600077

2Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, Saveetha Dental College, 162 Poonamallee High Road, Velapanchavadi, Chennai-600077

*Corresponding Author E-mail: sureshvbhat@gmail.com

Online published on 10 August, 2020.



To evaluate the color stability of different temporary prosthetic restorative materials (acrylic and bisacrylic resins) immersed in different solutions.


The specimens were prepared for each of three materials, self cure poly methyl methacrylate, heat cure poly methyl methacrylate, and autopolymerized bis-acryl resin material. The baseline colour values were measured with a colorimeter according to the CIE a'b’ color scale. After the first measurement, specimen were placed in staining solution coffee and artificial saliva for 5 days and the second colorimetric readings were taken at 5 days.


Data were analyzed statistically by one way ANOVA tests and Tukey multiple comparison tests. After the 5day immersion period, the post hoc analysis revealed that Bis-acryl resin material has the highest ΔE values.


Acrylic resin presented greater color stability when compared with bis-acrylic resins. Bis-acryl temps or self cure temporisations can be provided for the prepared tooth as temporaries for 3 or less than 3 days, whereas if the definitive restoration requires longer period of time for construction, i.e. 5 days or more, then heat cure temporisation materials are indicated considering the amount of colour changes.



Provisional restorations, Polymethyl methacryllate, Bis-acryl resin material, Colorimeter.


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