A Recent Advancement on Treatment Technologies for Handling of Pharma Waste water Kumar S Narendra1,*, Muralidhara P L2, Hiremath Lingayya1, Swathi P R2 1Department of Biotechnology, RVCE, Bengaluru 2Department of Chemical Engineering, RVCE, Bengaluru *Corresponding Author E-mail: narendraks@rvce.edu.in
Online published on 30 April, 2020. Abstract The Pharmaceutical Industry produces a wide variety of products in batch or semi-batch processes where the usage of water in many processing equipment plays an important role. The wastewater that is generated from these industries may contain pharmaceutical compounds that are let out in the aquatic environment. The characteristics of pharmaceutical wastewater are clearly mentioned. The wastewater generated in between the processes may contain many chemicals and pharmaceutical compounds that have to be treated. It is very much necessary to analyze the treatment technologies and implement properly, such that the pharmaceutical compounds are disposed of in safe limits. All the various treatments used are presented clearly in this review. Generally, one method employed will not lead to complete removal of contaminants; there must be a combination of the process for efficient removal. Top Keywords Pharmaceutical wastewater, treatment, Characterization, Physico-chemical, BOD, COD, Advanced Oxidation. Top |