In- vitro Protective and Curative effect of Cissampelos pareira Linn, Fragaria vesca Linn and Biophytum sensitivum Linn extracts on Urolithiasis Dhole Archana R1,*, Dr. Yeligar V. C.2 1Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon, Tal- Walva, Dist- Sangli, Pin- 415409 2Principal, Sarojini College of Pharmacy, Kolhapur. Tal-Karvir, Dist-Kolhapur *Corresponding Author E-mail:,
Online published on 30 April, 2020. Abstract Objective Evaluate the abilities of plant extracts used for urolithiasis in –vitro models can be served as an aid in the evaluation of novel treatments for urolithiasis. Methods The powdered material (1.5 kg) was subjected for extraction with various solvent in soxhlet apparatus and microwave assisted extraction based on increasing polarity in order of petroleum ether (60–80°C), chloroform, ethyl acetate and ethanol, aqueous. Ethanolic extracts of whole plants was assessed for its protective and curative activity in urolithiasis. In vitro experiments (nucleation, aggregation and microscopic assay's) were performed to test the anti-urolithiasis activity of microwave assisted extracted Cissampelos pareira Linn, Fragaria vesca Linn and Biophytum sensitivum Linn extracts. These ethanol extracts were tested at increasing concentration of 100, 200, 400 ug/ml and compared with the standard drug cystone. Results The extracts were tested for the inhibition percentage of anti-urolithiasis potential against preformed calcium oxalate crystal. The % inhibition rates of nucleation of caOx by cystone is 44.776%, 54.526%, 75.31% at 100 (μg/mL), 200 (μg/mL), 400 (μg/mL) respectively, while in Cissampelous pareira L (CP), Fragarica vesca (FV) L, Biophytum sensitivum L (BS) shows high % inhibition at 400 (μg/mL) i.e 68.556, 69.54±1.38, 64.630±0.66. combination of Extract shows higher % inhibition i.e 79.813±0.42 which gives more effective than standard cystone drug. The results of ethanol extracts of Cissampelos pareira Linn (49.98%), Fragaria vesca Linn (46.406%) and Biophytum sensitivum Linn (46.406%) on Aggregation assy were found to be significant and the ethanol leaf extract showed considerable inhibition compared to standard cystone (65.096%) drug. Combination of extract with 400ug/ml shows best result i.e 89.353%. Conclusion Cissampelos pareira linn, Fragaria vesca linn and Biophytum sensitivum linn extracts in combination were effective on urolithiasis. Top Keywords Cissampelos pareira linn, Fragaria vesca linn, Biophytum sensitivum linn, Urolithiasis. Top |