Brain Tumor Segmentation using Contextual Clustering and Object Labeling in MRI Sheeba G. Merlin*, Premi M. S. Godwin, Valantina G. Mary, Livinsa Z. Mary School of Electrical and Electronics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai *Corresponding Author E-mail: merlinsheebu@gmail.com
Online published on 30 April, 2020. Abstract Brain tumor segmentation in MRI images is one of the challenging tasks in medical field. In this work, an efficient brain tumor is detection methodology is proposed for the MRI images. Image preprocessing filters are used to remove noises from the images. Contextual clustering extracts the tumor regions from the images Object labeling is also performed following the contextual clustering. The simulation results show that the proposed technique has achieved 94% of efficiency. Top Keywords Contextual clustering, object labeling, Segmentation. Top | |
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