Influence of closed Kinematic chain exercise versus open Kinematic Chain Exercise on Q-Angle in subjects with Osteoarthritis Knee Sowmya M.V.1,*, Chandbee Shaik2, Dev Rahul3 1Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics, Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, SIMATS, Chennai, India 2BPT, Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, SIMATS, Chennai, India 3BPT Final Year, Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, SIMATS, Chennai, India *Corresponding Author E-mail:
Online published on 30 April, 2020. Abstract Background Osteoarthritis knee (OA) has been the most common complaint among men and women. The primary goal for Osteoarthritis (OA) therapy are pain relief and maintenance of joint integrity. Objectives To determine the influence of closed kinematic chain exercise versus open kinematic chain exercise on Q-angle in subjects with knee osteoarthritis. Methodology 20 subjects were selected from Saveetha College of Physiotherapy by inclusion and exclusion criteria. All these subjects understood the purpose of the study and inform constant was obtained prior to participation. Initially these 20 subjects have been given self assessment osteoarthritis knee. Each subjects have been taken Q-angle measurement by using goniometryand inch-tape. Followed by initial assessment subject with straight leg raises exercise and mini-squat exercise for 20 times twice daily. Post test was done after four week. Result From the statistical analysis it shows that the group-A is significantly higher than the group-B, in comparison to both group-A and group-B. Conclusion From the result, the open kinematic chain exercise versus closed kinematic chain exercise on Q-angle in osteoarthritis knee, group-A straight leg raises exercise is more effective than group-B mini-squat exercise. Top Keywords Osteoarthritis, knee, Q-angle, closed kinetic. Top |