Pseudomonas montielli-A Potent Chemotherapeutic Asparaginase producing organism Isolated from Rhizosphere Soil Subhashini A.*, Vani G. Sangeetha Department of Microbiology, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai-08, India *Corresponding Author E-mail: subhashinia23@gmail.com
Online published on 9 April, 2020. Abstract The enzyme Asparaginase finds its extensive application in chemotherapeutic as well as in food manufacturing industries on a large scale. Prolonged use of the enzyme from a single source can lead to hypersensitive reactions and hence there is a continual need in isolating asparaginase from various microorganisms with lesser toxicity and side effects. The present study was attempted to isolate a potential bacterial isolate with higher yield and less cytotoxic activity. Rhizosphere soil bacteria were isolated on a minimal medium M9 with 1% L-asparagine. Pink coloured zone producing isolates were selected and identified using standard biochemical tests. The organisms isolated include Klebsiella sp, Pseudomonas sp and Staphylococcus sp. Extraction of the enzyme was done after submerged fermentation in M9 medium and was quantified by nesslerization method. The isolate showing maximum activity was further screened for its cytotoxicity property on vero cell line to prove its safety. The isolate was further characterized by 16S rRNA analysis and was identified as Pseudomonas montielli which could be a novel organism producing asparaginase. Top Keywords Asparaginase, M9 medium, cytotoxicity, Pseudomonas montielli, Vero cell line. Top | |
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