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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2020, Volume : 13, Issue : 2
First page : ( 923) Last page : ( 927)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00174.2

Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical studies of Indigofera tirunelvelica Sanjappa

Kanchana S. Parijatham*, Dr. John Agnel Arul**

Dept. of Biochemistry, St. Francis College for Women, Begumpet, Telangana

*Corresponding Author E-mail: kanchana08@yahoo.com


Online published on 9 April, 2020.



The current study aims was carried out for Pharmacological analysis along with phytochemical screening of the medicinal plant I. tirunelvelica Sanjappa.


As a part of the pharamacognostic study the transverse section of leaf was observed and Histochemical localization studies were also performed. The dried leaf powder were subjected to solvent extraction for preliminary secondary metabolites analysis and fluorescence study was done with the leaf powder.


The T.S. of the leaf shows that it is dorsiventral and exposed the presence of distinct lamina, midrib, collateral vascular bundle and papillate epidermal cells. The Histochemical localization studies exhibited the presence of flavanoids, terpenoids and starch in cortical cell, Xylem region, Parenchyma, palisade & parenchyma regions respectively. The phytochemical screening too confirmed the presence of phenols, tannins, alkaloids, terpenoids etc and the fluorescence analysis manifested the differential behavior of the leaf powder.


This study will help in the authentication and standardization of the plant I. tirunelvelica Sanjappa. The present findings of this study concludes that the T.indigofera leaves have the great potential to act as a source of positive drug because of presence of a variety of secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, flavonoids, phenol, terpenoids, saponin and carbohydrates. These phyto constituents seemed to be the potential to act as a source of functional drugs and also in the improvement of the physical condition of the patients as a result of the presence of various compounds that are fundamental role for good health.



Phytochemical analysis, Histochemical localization, Leaf, authentication, Standardisation, Fluorescence.


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