A perceptive study to endorse the Nutritional aspects of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L) and formulated Recipes Arun A.*, Faraday Mark Keith Assistant Professor, School of Hotel and Catering Management, Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies, Chennai, 117 *Corresponding Author E-mail: arunarticle2016@gmail.com
Online published on 9 April, 2020. Abstract Objective Millets the have been cultivated and used for centuries back and their usage is now has been diminished and been portrayed as animals fodder. Pearl Millet has been o ne among the coarse millet been lost its actual value the study is to restore, enhance and infuse pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L) into commonly consumed recipes. Method It comprises two segments firstly bringing out the view points of the panellist about pearl millet and secondly evaluating the organoleptic qualities and analyzing the nutritious facts of the recipes being developed or infused with pearl millet Result The sensory evaluation and nutritional analysis of the recipes were analyzed exhibiting the mean score for sensory attributes are satisfactorily accepted and the recipes are rich in protein and minerals Conclusion The study concluded that organoleptic acceptance and the healthy point of views of the panelists shows the pearl millet can be considered as a functional ingredient in regular diet. Recommendation of this millet into day to day diet will bring back the healthy generations. Top Keywords Nutrition, Pearl Millet, Recipe, Restore. Top |