The Ionic Balance of Bone Marrow Nikolaeva Liudmila P. Department and Clinic of Surgical Diseases. prof. A.M. Dykhno with the Course of Endoscopy and Endosurgery Software, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetski, Krasnoyarsk, 660077, Russian Federation *Corresponding Author E-mail: liudmilanikolaeva161@gmail.com
Online published on 9 April, 2020. Abstract The objective of the article is to study the ionic balance of bone marrow stems from the rapid development of new medical technologies. In recent years, cellular therapy associated with the medical effect of stem cells has been widely studied and introduced into medical practice. One of the sources of obtaining stem cells is bone marrow. The content of ions in biological tissue as well as their constant quantitative structure provide for a certain functional condition of cells, therefore it is essential to study the electrolytes of marrow. In this work, we determined the quantitative indicators of bone marrow ions, made their comparative analysis depending on the place of obtaining, as well as defined the standards of electrolytes for marrow bones. The quantitative indicators of the electrolytes of the bone marrow of tubular bones were identified: K-4.1±0.12 mmol/l; Na-130.5±4.3 mmol/l; Ca-1.37±0.07 mmol/l; Cl-131±2.4 mmol/l. By studying the electrolytes and conditions surrounding stem cells in bone marrow, we can create an environment for the cultivation of stem cells as close as possible to the natural one. Top Keywords Ionic structure, bone marrow, sternal puncture, bone marrow stem cells. Top | |
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