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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2020, Volume : 13, Issue : 2
First page : ( 636) Last page : ( 638)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00121.3

In vitro Antihelmintic Evaluation of a Novel Polyherbal Formulation

Dr. Tehseen Fouzia1,*, Dr. Ghori Syed Safiullah1, Khatoon Ruqya3, Sultana Jabeen3, M Ali d Sadath3, M Mahveen aria3

1Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Anwarul Uloom College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad

2Department of Pharmacology, Anwarul Uloom College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad

3Students, Anwarul Uloom College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad

*Corresponding Author E-mail: fouziatehseen@gmail.com

Online published on 9 April, 2020.


Ayurveda is a holistic traditional system of medicine in India which was established centuries ago. Ayurveda is also known as “Mother of all healing” Drug formulations in Ayurveda can be of two types-single drug formulation and polyherbal formulation where a mixture of powdered drugs are used to bring about synergistic effect. One of the diseases of concern for human beings is helmintic infections. A large population in developing countries is affected is a variety of helminth parasites like hook worm, tape worm and others. We have developed a novel PHF containing a mixture of powdered bachhi, bael, katha, guggul, spogel and vidanga. The objective of the present study is to formulate and evaluate the antihelmintic activity of aqueous, methanol and petroleum ether extract of a PHF containing a mixture of powdered ayurvedic plants in earthworm, Pheritima posthuma which bears anatomical resemblance with the parasitic helminths.



Ayurveda, antihelmintic activity, polyherbal formulation.


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