Black yeast beta glucan for insulin resistance prevention through IL-33, ST2 and leptin Level: An In vivo study of an obesity model using Sprague dawley rats Anugraheni Ifana1, Andarini Sri2, Handayani Dian3, Wihastuti Titin Andri4* 1Medical Sciences Doctoral Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of BrawijayaMalang. 2Departement of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of BrawijayaMalang. 3School of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, University of BrawijayaMalang. 4School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, University of Brawijaya. *Corresponding Author E-mail:
Online published on 15 February, 2021. Abstract Obesity is defined as a condition of excessive fat accumulation in adipose tissue. Adipose hypertrophy stimulates the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and recruitment and polarization of M1 macrophages. To maintain homeostasis, there is an increase IL-33 expression and a decrease ST2s in obesity. IL-33 expression correlates with leptin expression in adipose tissue. Black yeast beta glucan decreases the pro-inflammatory modulator and increases anti-inflammatory factors, as well as decreases adipose macrophage tissue infiltration levels. This study aims to prove the effect of black yeast beta glucans on IL-33, ST2 and leptin levels. This research design is true experimental with post test only group design. The experimental animals used were male Sprague Dawley strain rats. Rats were divided into 5 (five) groups (normal feed, high fat feed and 3 high fat feed groups with black yeast beta glucan doses of 0.135grams, 0.270grams and 0.540grams). Elisa method is used to analyze IL-33, ST2 and Leptin levels. Statistical analysis used two way ANOVA and continued with the least significant difference test (LSD). There was an increase in IL-33 and leptin levels, and a decrease in ST2 levels. There was no difference in the effect of black yeast beta glucans on IL-33, ST2 and leptin levels. However, with further statistical tests, there is a difference in the effect of black yeast beta glucan on IL-33 and Leptin levels at a dose of 0.270grams. The conclusion of this study is black yeast beta glucan can increase IL-33 and leptin levels at a dose of 0.270grams. Top Keywords Black yeast, Beta glucans, Insulin resistance, Obesity. Top |