Evaluation of anti-leucodermal activity of medicinal plant in rats Chaudhari Pankaj M.*, Dr. Baviskar Dheeraj T. K.V.P.S., Institute of Pharmaceutical Education, B. pharm, Boradi, Dist - Dhule, Maharashtra *Corresponding Author E-mail: daal15@rediffmail.com
Online published on 28 October, 2020. Abstract The present study designed to evaluate anti-leucoderma activity of medicinal herb in experiment model of C57BL/6 mice. leucoderma is mainly depigmentary disorder affecting very small population of word. C57BL/6 mice were divided into four groups. 40% Monobenzone cream applied daily for induction leucoderma in mice. Euphorbia hirta extract and Punica granatum extract administered for 65 days. At the end of study 6 mm circles of ear tissue were collected. All tail and back skin were removed. Some samples were stored at 80oC for further tests. Same dorsal skin samples were collected and placed in 10% neutral buffered formalin to histological analysis. Samples also were used to evaluate depigmentation, epidermal melanin levels, measurement of TNF-α level and histological analyses. Monobenzone applied group showed decreased level of melanin mean while plant extract treated group showed increased level and TNF-alpha level increased in control group and test groups shows the reverse action. From this result we conclude that both plants have ant-leucoderma activity. Top Keywords Leucoderma, TNF-alpha, Euphorbia hirta, Punica granatum. Top | |
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